Lesson 1 - Preparation for Troubleshooting


Mechanical refrigeration systems; Keys to effective troubleshooting; Safety in troubleshooting; Tools and equipment; Supplies; Human relations skills

Learning Objectives:
– Give an example of each of the following applications: process refrigeration, commercial refrigeration, process air conditioning, comfort air conditioning.
– Tell what knowledge is essential for an effective troubleshooter to have.
– Tell what safety precautions must be followed when dealing with the mechanical, electrical, chemical, and environmental hazards involved in
– List the necessary tools, equipment, and supplies needed to perform troubleshooting procedures.
– Explain why human relations skills are important to the refrigeration system troubleshooter.

Lesson 2 - Troubleshooting Procedures


Six steps of troubleshooting; Avoiding a recurrence of the problem

Learning Objectives:
– Name the six basic steps in the troubleshooting procedure.
– Explain why it is important to collect information from the equipment operator when a system is malfunctioning.
– Explain what type of information is contained on a nameplate and in the operations log of a system.
– Explain the structure and use of troubleshooting charts.
– Explain how to set up a preliminary checklist and how to select the most likely components and subsystems for further examination.
– List items to check out after making repairs to a refrigeration system.

Lesson 3 - Troubleshooting Electric Controls


Troubleshooting flowchart; Checking the contactor; Faulty coils; Relays and switches; The power side

Learning Objectives:
– Explain how to use a troubleshooting chart.
– Explain how to isolate a control circuit failure from a motor circuit failure.
– List the causes of abnormally high control circuit resistance.
– Explain the difference between using an ohmmeter and using a voltmeter to check for a closed electric switch.
– Describe how to check contactor coils and motors for shorts and opens.

Lesson 4 - Troubleshooting Pneumatic Controls


Equipment and tools; Checking the control air supply; Output pressure test; Checking for air leaks; Checking other controllers; Actuator problems; Thermostat adjustments

Learning Objectives:
– Describe the symptoms of control air contamination and explain how to remedy it.
– Explain how to check thermostat output pressure.
– List at least three kinds of actuator problems and explain how to solve them.
– Describe the calibration procedure and explain its purpose.
– Explain how to calibrate a pneumatic controller.

Lesson 5 - Troubleshooting the Refrigerant Circuit


Preliminary checks; Analyzing the complaint; Checking refrigerant pressures; Checking refrigerant charge; Checking for refrigerant leaks; Compressor cycling; Checking high-side components; Low-side problems, Distribution problems

Learning Objectives:
– Distinguish between a refrigerant circuit problem and a conditioned-medium problem.
– Explain the procedure for checking refrigerant charge.
– Name major causes of variance in head and suction pressures.
– Explain how to isolate the cause of compressor short cycling.
– Explain how to use head-pressure readings and suction-pressure readings in diagnosing refrigeration problems.