Machine Shop Job Analysis

Machine Shop Job Analysis

Covers types of jobs likely to be encountered by the maintenance machinist, and describes how the machinist decides which machine(s) to use for particular operations. This online course shows how to analyze the entire job before selecting the most efficient sequence of machining operations. Builds on Courses 315, 316, 317, and is a prerequisite for the "hands-on" projects in the courses that follow. Machine Shop Job Analysis is available in online maintenance training and course manual formats.

TPC Training is authorized by IACET to offer 0.5 CEUs for this program.

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Lesson 1 - Machining Cylindrical Shapes


Turning; Shoulder facing; Machining fillets; Turning profiles; Knurling; Filing; Facing; Boring; Counterboring; Thread cutting

Learning Objectives:
– Explain the procedures for turning single and multiple diameters, including shoulders, fillets, and relief notches.
– Compute tapers, including the use of the setover method, compound rest method, and taper attachment method.
– Show how to use the cutting tools and machines for knurling, filing, and polishing.
– List the procedures for facing chucked work and work mounted between centers on the lathe.
– Describe the procedures for boring and counterboring in a lathe and boring mill.

Lesson 2 - Drilling, Reaming, and Honing


Workpiece stationary, drill rotating; Workpiece rotating, drill stationary; Drill press jobs; Radial drill presses; Spot facing tools; Boring bars; Drill bushings and jigs; Reaming; Honing

Learning Objectives:
– Describe the basic drilling process.
– List drilling procedures for work mounted in a lathe.
– List drilling procedures for work mounted in a drill press.
– Explain the use of reaming in a lathe and a drill press.
– Explain the use of honing and the type of equipment used.

Lesson 3 - Machining Flat Surfaces


Plain, side, straddle, profile, and face milling; Irregular shapes; Slotting; Shaping; Broaching; Surface grinding

Learning Objectives:
– Describe the basic milling process, cutter types, and their application.
– List slotting procedures in a milling machine.
   and milling.
– Define broaching, its application, and the machines used.
– Define surface grinding, its application, and the machines used.

Lesson 4 - Determining Tolerances and Finishes


Linear dimensions; Tolerances; Limits; Tolerance stackup; Rough cuts; Allowances for finishing; Finish cuts; Surface texture and finish

Learning Objectives:
– Define dimensional factors, including linear and angular dimensions.
– Compute tolerances and tolerance stackup.
– Describe allowance for finishing, including procedures for finish cuts.
– Compute surface texture in terms of an average used for final machining.
– Analyze surface finish requirements as specified for the job.

Lesson 5 - Variables Affecting Job Efficiency


Machinability; Chip formation; Selection and application of cutting fluids; Solid lubricants; Machining efficiency; Selecting tooling/fixtures

Learning Objectives:
– Define machinability of workpiece stock, including machining variables, and workpiece variables.
– Explain machinability ratings.
– Select cutting fluids, cutting lubricants, and solid lubricants.
– Describe machining efficiency, including minimal workpiece setups and standard versus special tooling and fixtures.
– Identify the correct machine and cutting tool for a given job.

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