• Organizational Structure and Identity

TPC Online™ is ideal for larger organizations TPC Online™ makes it easy to configure the Learning Management System to support the operational structure and identity of your industrial organization.

Organizational Structure

TPC Online is ideal for larger organizations because it can support complex location hierarchies including regions, districts, sectors, business units, and any other required entities.

TPC Online offers support for unlimited locations, departments, and job titles used to mimic your organizational structure. Using our location levels feature, complex relationships – including nested locations – are easy to configure. Smaller companies can also benefit from the inherent flexibility to disable selected features that are not relevant. From simple to complex, TPC Online is designed to fit the online maintenance training needs of any organization regardless of its size or complexity.

Online Maintenance and technician training


Organizational Identity

Other TPC Online features allow you to customize the system to further represent your corporate identity or standards, including the ability to:

– Load your own logo to reflect your corporate brand or identity.
– Specify the name of the organization that appears on reports.
– Specify minimum requirements for usernames and passwords.
– Establish password reset intervals.
– Configure e-mail settings for system-generated messages.

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