• Training Blog

There are many exciting things happening at TPC Training. Here are some of our latest news, events and industry items:

5 Reasons to Upgrade your Building’s HVAC System

Posted by Jenn | 06.18.21

According to the Department of Energy, the number of commercial buildings and industrial facilities in the United States is nearly 6 million. For any commercial building, whether a hotel, factory, data...

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HVAC Challenges in Historical Buildings

Posted by Jenn | 02.10.21

Installing or upgrading HVAC for historic buildings is a complicated—and sometimes nerve-wracking—process. As the HVAC installer, you have two responsibilities that can sometimes clash. You have to provide a system...

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Facilities Protection During the Dangerous Winter Months

Posted by Jenn | 01.12.21

Blizzards, windstorms, freezing rain, and heavy snowfall all make facilities protection a challenging proposition as the winter months set in. With advance planning and regular, routine maintenance throughout the season,...

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The Difference in Single-Phase and 3-Phase Power

Posted by John | 04.03.19

If you’re running a commercial building or industrial facility, 3-phase power offers more power for the equivalent amount of current than single-phase power. Unless you have some basic electrical training,...

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8 Common Concerns with Commercial HVAC Systems

Posted by John | 08.01.18

Commercial HVAC systems make up a large portion of a building’s energy demands and need regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency. Even with the best care, your HVAC system...

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Developing a Commercial Building Winter Storm Checklist

Posted by John | 01.16.18

Severe winter weather causes serious damage to commercial facilities, up to and including roof failure. A commercial building winter storm plan helps facilities managers prepare for heavy snow and low...

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