• Training Blog

There are many exciting things happening at TPC Training. Here are some of our latest news, events and industry items:

How Continued Employee Training Boosts Productivity & Retention

Posted by John | 01.03.18

When times get tight and the economy flounders, businesses look to cut costs. Typically, one of the first areas to feel the bite of cutbacks is employee training. On the...

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Developing Facilities Management Training

Posted by John | 11.29.17

Facilities management training covers a wide range of disciplines, skills, and certifications, but the end goal is always the same: to ensure the continuing efficiency and functionality of the building...

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How to Have Continual Success From 5s Training

Posted by John | 09.03.17

Based on an alliterative Japanese system, the 5S system is a deceptively simple set of processes designed to increase workplace efficiency, productivity, and safety. Put simply, the system can be...

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Live Instructor vs. Computer-Based Training

Posted by John | 12.05.16

There is ongoing debate regarding which method of training is superior - live, instructor-led training or computer-based, online training.  But what if I told you that these two training methods...

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ETS Report Suggests Corporate Training May Be a Necessity for Employers

Posted by Evan | 03.13.15

Researchers from the Princeton-based Educational Testing Service (ETS) recently administered an international test to working-aged adults in 23 countries to measure competency levels of key job skills required by most employers. The test titled Program...

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The Value of Workforce Training

Posted by Evan | 02.26.15

Workforce attrition studies have shown that successful employee training programs produce many benefits to companies and organizations including: – Improved employee performance– Enlarged company profits– Elevated competitive edge– Heightened worker...

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